Lou Pennebaker - July 12, 2020

The Stolen Flamingo

The Solution (hover over the black below to see the solution)

In Genesis 19:26, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. The White Flamingo statue was also made out of salt. When the museum’s vault filled up with water, the statue dissolved. When Concord tasted the leftover water, its saltiness gave away the artist’s plan. Since the vault was sealed the artist knew it would fill up with enough water to dissolve the statue, provided the sprinklers ran long enough. He cut the fire bell wire so people wouldn’t come to the museum and turn off the sprinklers when they couldn’t find a fire. The artist made the statue appear stolen without even breaking into the museum! Rather than getting the insurance money, the artist ended up with nothing but jail time.


Correct Answers: Keegan M. , Ellie A.

From Series: "Scripture Sleuth"

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