Lou Pennebaker - July 26, 2020

The Collapsing Crackers

The Solution (hover over the black below to see the solution)

Luke 6:49 refers to a torrent, or flood, washing away a house that doesn’t have a good foundation. Rodney realized that a flood of water would turn a graham cracker cabin’s foundation and walls to mush, which would then make the cabin collapse. To do this, Rodney came up with the perfect time-delayed sabotage: putting the ice he got for his supposedly sprained ankle into Charlotte’s cracker cabin. The ice slowly melted and soaked into the cracker walls and base. They became mush and the cabin collapsed. Since the two finalist cracker cabins were on separate tables, Rodney knew that his cabin would be safe from the melting ice. He “politely” let Charlotte put her cabin in the office first so he could sabotage it with the ice when he took his cabin into the room.


Correct Answers: Ellie A. , Sofie S.

From Series: "Scripture Sleuth"

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